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Friday, November 26, 2010

Giving Thanks

I have much to be Thankful for and I am. Miles is my light and my joy and I thank my lucky stars that he came into my life. One year ago I was in such a different place. I was still quite depressed and in shock. I was trying to understand why this happened to me. Why did I have a baby with Down syndrome? I thought that if I could just figure out why this happened to me, that everything would be okay. I just needed an answer. Well, in the last year, I have discovered why this happened to me and there isn't just one reason. There are many reasons and the reasons will change throughout my life depending on where I am and what I'm going through.

I don't know why Miles was born with Down syndrome, but I suspect it has something to do with his own journey in life. He is in my life because there is much for me to discover throughout our journey together. A year ago the thought of the future with my baby with Down syndrome brought me tears, I am now excited for our life together and discovering all the wonderful things that connect us. Every single day I love him more and more. I can't believe how much my view of life has changed in such a short time.

I am also incredibly thankful for my loving, supportive, funny, helpful, and awesome husband. This journey would not be fun without him. He calms me down and lifts me up when I need it. Who knew when we met 12 years ago that we would end up married with a kid in California! I had no idea, I just kept hanging out with him because he made me laugh. And he still does!

And of course, the rest of my family and friends who are always there when I need them. I am thankful to all of them in my life!

Right now, I am especially thankful for having my mom, sister and niece in town! How fun for the cousins to be together and for all of us to bond. Good times.

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